5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of 5 out of 5 manbabies to you good sir this will make a perfect addition to the 8-bit theatre universe i mean really thats what 8 bit theatre needs is a flash cartoon its so great seeing the same jokes from two years ago when I first read 8 bit theatre masterfully recreated into flash form this is turning into a run-on sentance so ill end it with giving you a rating of